
Veggie Animals: Never Too Careful

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Veggie Animals

Episode 5: Never Too Careful

A Lesson in Caution


[In a dense part of the forest, we see Laura Carrot/Poodle getting chased by a familiar
black figure, who is revealed to be Juodas the wolf. Laura runs as fast as she can to
try and escape from Juodas, who is still running after her.]

Juodas: *cackles* Run, little pup! But you won't run from me for very long!

Laura: Help! Someone help me!

[Laura continues running for her life, with Juodas still chasing after her. Laura is
able to cross over a stream by hopping onto the rocks, before making it to the other
side, but Juodas is also able to make it over the stream, which prompts Laura to run
for her life once again, as Juodas resumes chasing her. However, Laura suddenly ends
up tripping, which causes her to fall over, just as Juodas is now closing in on her
again. Before Juodas can pounce on Laura, a white blur suddenly leaps in between
Laura and Juodas, preventing Juodas from pouncing even further. The white blur is
revealed to be a beautiful female arctic fox who is also bipedal like the rest of
the Veggie Animals, with ice blue streaks in her fur, and dark gray fur on the tip
of her tail. Laura is amazed to see this arctic fox standing in front of her. The
fox then turns her gaze to Laura afterwards.]

Arctic Fox: Run, little one! I'll handle Juodas!

[Laura does as the arctic fox says before she quickly runs off and hides in a nearby
bush. Juodas is especially angry when he sees this arctic fox standing in front of

Juodas: *growls angrily* Not you again, Isabella!

Isabella: Yes, Juodas, me again!

Laura: Isabella? Is that her name?

[Juodas then swipes his claws forward, but Isabella is able to dodge before she jumps
up into the air and delivers a powerful axle kick that hits Juodas on the chin, knocking
him back a few feet. Juodas gets back up again before angrily charging forward before he
manages to bite Isabella on the arm, giving her some pain. Despite this, Isabella is
also able to smack Juodas across the face with her tail. This move is what drives Juodas
over the edge.]

Juodas: This isn't the end of it, Isabella! Just you wait!

[Juodas then runs back the way he came, before Isabella then walks over to the bush that
Laura is hiding in.]

Isabella: It's alright, little one. You don't need to worry anymore. Juodas is gone for

Laura: Your name is Isabella?

Isabella: Yes, that is my name. And what is yours?

Laura: Laura.

Isabella: Laura, such a lovely name. Next time, you should be more careful when wandering
out in this part of the woods, or else Juodas will catch you.

Laura: You're right, Isabella. I promise to be more careful next time. I must be going home
now, my friends and family are probably worried about me! Goodbye!

[Laura then runs off after that, as Isabella waves goodbye to her.]

Isabella: Goodbye, Laura, until we meet again.

[Isabella then walks off deep into the woods again, while Laura is still running on ahead,
thinking about the kindly arctic fox that saved her from Juodas.]

(Theme opens)

[Back in the forest, Laura has now met up with Bob, Larry, Mr. Lunt, the French Peas, and
Madame Blueberry/Chartreux. There, Laura explains to them about how she was chased by Juodas,
while out in the deep parts of the woods, but was saved by a kindly arctic fox named Isabella.
The others are surprised when they hear this story from Laura.]

Larry: Wow, an arctic fox named Isabella saved you from Juodas? That's amazing, Laura.

Laura: I know, I just wish I could find Isabella so that I could show her my appreciation
for her saving me.

Bob: Just remember, Laura, you are not to go into the deep part of the woods without any
supervision. Juodas could find you and very well try to catch you if he had a chance.

Mr. Lunt: Yeah, he'll turn you into dog food if he caught you.

Laura: Okay, Bob. I promise not to go out into the deep part without anyone by my side.

Bob: Good girl. *smiling*

Laura: Still, I really want to find Isabella.

Madame Blueberry: There, there, Laura, we will help you to find zis Isabella.

Jean-Claude: Oui, whoever zis Isabella is, we will find her.

Phillipe: Mais oui!

Laura: Thank you. *smiles*

[Meanwhile, in the deeper parts of the woods, Isabella is surveying the area to make sure
that Juodas does not return. While surveying the area, she is also thinking about how she
was able to save Laura from Juodas.]

Isabella: That little pup that I saved from Juodas. She seemed so defenseless, yet she had
such a strong will. I must find her.

[However, before Isabella can get very far, she is suddenly confronted by Juodas, who has
returned to the deep part of the woods once again. Isabella becomes surprised before becoming
very angry when she sees that Juodas has returned.]

Isabella: *angrily* What do you want this time, Juodas?

Juodas: Take it easy, old girl, I won't bite you this time. I've merely come to make a little
proposition with you.

Isabella: *scoffs* Sorry, but I don't make deals with double-dealing wolves like you.

Juodas: What? You mean to tell me that you won't listen to what I have to offer to you?

Isabella: After you bit me just earlier? Not a chance.

Juodas: Listen, Isabella, I can't help it if I bit you earlier. Those were just instincts
that I couldn't control. After all, I know about how you saved that little poodle pup.

Isabella: You mean Laura? What does that have to do with anything?

Juodas: Maybe now you'll listen to my proposition?

[With that, Isabella can only nod rather grudgingly, as a sign that she is now prepared to
listen to Juodas's proposition.]

Juodas: You're desperate to find that little pup, right?

Isabella: Yes.

Juodas: Well, I happen to have a plan to bring that little pup to you.

[With that, Juodas then begins to whisper his plan into Isabella's ear. After a few minutes,
Isabella becomes shocked when she hears this plan from Juodas.]

Isabella: Juodas, surely you don't mean?!?

Juodas: Exactly. You're not thinking of backing out now, are you?

Isabella: I don't know what you're trying to pull, Juodas, but I refuse to go through with
whatever sinister plan you have!

Juodas: *growls* Now look here, Isabella! I've been nice to you long enough, but if you
insist on being too stubborn to go through with my grand plan, then I might as well go
ahead and skin you alive.

Isabella: *gasps* You wouldn't!

Juodas: I would, and I will!

Isabella: Please, stop, Juodas! I'll do it!

[Juodas then stops when he hears that Isabella will go ahead and go through with carrying
out his plan. Juodas then gives off an evil grin after that.]

Juodas: I knew that you'd be willing to listen to reason, Isabella. When you see that pup
again, what you have to do is get her to come to you, and I'll catch her.

Isabella: *reluctantly* If you say so.

[Isabella can only walk off after that, reluctant to carry out Juodas's plan. While walking
through the woods, Isabella can only think to herself about the danger that Laura might
possibly get into if Juodas could catch her.]

Isabella: *thinking* I can't let Juodas catch Laura. There's no telling what he'll do to
her if he caught her. And I think I have an idea on how to keep that from happening.

[Back in the main forest, Laura has talked to Bob, Larry, and Mr. Lunt about how she will
be going out into the deep part of the woods again to try and find Isabella.]

Bob: *surprised* You're going to do WHAT?!?!?

Laura: I'm going back into the deep part of the woods to try and find Isabella so that I
can thank her for saving me from Juodas earlier.

Larry: But, Laura, you heard what Bob said, you can't go out there unless you have someone
accompanying you.

Mr. Lunt: That's right.

Laura: Don't worry, Madame Blueberry and the French Peas have agreed to accompany me, so
I won't exactly be alone.

Larry: Oh, well, I guess it's okay then.

Bob: I suppose.

Mr. Lunt: Lighten up, Bob, at least she has some supervision to go into the deep part of
the woods.

Bob: Still, I'm not so sure that Madame Blueberry and the French Peas are the best ones
to accompany Laura.

Laura: I gotta go, guys. I have to meet up with Madame Blueberry and the French Peas, so
I'll see you later!

[With that, Laura then runs off, while Bob, Larry, and Mr. Lunt can only watch, still
feeling rather unsure about whether or not Laura should still be going off to the deep
parts of the woods. Later, Laura has now met up with Madame Blueberry and the French
Peas, before they begin to make their way towards the deep part of the woods once again,
so that they can try to find and meet Isabella again.]

Jean-Claude: Do you even know where zis Isabella is?

Laura: Not really, but I know that the last time I saw her, it was at this very spot where
she saved me from Juodas.

Phillipe: Well, zen let's wait here for her!

Madame Blueberry: It may have worked ze first time for Laura, but probably not zis time.

[At that moment, Isabella peeks out from some nearby bushes that stood just a few feet
away from where the four animals are standing. Isabella is happy when she sees that
Laura has returned to the deep part of the woods, but she is also a bit frustrated,
because of the fact that she has to carry out Juodas's plan. However, she has come
up with a plan to make sure that Juodas does not capture Laura.]

Isabella: *thinking* There she is, she has returned to the deep parts of these woods. I
hope this works.

[Isabella then pretends to trip while in the bushes, which causes her to lean on a twig
which then snaps. The sound is loud enough to be heard by Laura, Madame Blueberry, Jean-
Claude, and Phillipe.]

Laura: Who's there?

Jean-Claude: I hope it's not zat mean wolf again!

[At that moment, Isabella then steps out from her hiding place again, before she walks
over towards Laura, Madame Blueberry, Jean-Claude, and Phillipe.]

Laura: Isabella?

Isabella: Hello again, Laura. I knew that you'd come back to this part of the woods.

Laura: I had to, because I wanted you to meet some of my friends who have come with
me. This is Madame Blueberry, and these are the French Peas, Jean-Claude and Phillipe.

Jean-Claude: 'Allo!

Phillipe: 'Allo!

Isabella: It is my pleasure to meet such good friends of Laura. Yet, I wish that you hadn't
returned to these woods.

Laura: Why not, Isabella?

Isabella: If I told you, you'd all be in grave danger.

[From some more bushes that are also on a hillside, Juodas is watching the whole thing to
make sure that Isabella actually carries out his plans. Juodas gives off an evil grin when
he sees that Isabella has gotten close to Laura and the others.]

Juodas: That's it, Isabella. You've got her right where I want her. *chuckles*

[Down below, Isabella is still talking with Laura, Madame Blueberry, and the French Peas.]

Laura: But, Isabella, I came all this way with supervision just so I could have you meet
my friends.

Isabella: That's really nice of you, Laura, but it's too dangerous for all of you out here.

Laura: But why? If it really is dangerous, then we'd leave at once.

Isabella: I think it's much better for all of you to understand if you follow me rather than
to tell you.

[Laura and the others are confused, but go along with Isabella anyway. With that, the four
animals then follow after Isabella, away from the hillside that Juodas is hiding on. The
minute that Juodas sees this, he becomes shocked before becoming very angry when he sees
that Isabella is not carrying out the next part of his plan.]

Juodas: *angry* No, Isabella! What are you doing?!?!?

[With that, Juodas then begins to make his way down the hillside while looking very angry.]

Juodas: *snarls* If you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself!

[Laura, Madame Blueberry, Jean-Claude, and Phillipe still continue following after Isabella,
in order to escape from the danger that was in the woods.]

Isabella: Just a little bit further and we'll be out of range of danger.

Laura: But, Isabella, what sort of danger are you talking about?

Isabella: *sighs* Looks like you're ready to know now. Juodas is lurking around this area
and he wanted to catch you, but I did not want anything terrible to happen to you or your

[Laura, Madame Blueberry, Jean-Claude, and Phillipe are initially surprised when they hear
from Isabella that Juodas is in the area once again. However, just when they think that
they escaped Juodas, they become surprised when Juodas had apparently gotten around them
and appeared right in front of them, nearly scaring the bejeebers out of them.]

Juodas: Surprise!

All: Oh no! We're doomed!

[Meanwhile, Bob, Larry, and Mr. Lunt are now making their way towards the deep parts of
the woods while accompanied by Aristotle.]

Bob: We really appreciate your help in looking for Laura, Aristotle.

Aristotle: No problem, Bob. After hearing about what happened, I feel like it's my duty
to accompany you to make sure that no danger comes to Laura.

Larry: I hope she's alright.

Bob: So do I, Larry, so do I.

[The group continue traveling further, but now they do not know which way to go to try
and find Laura, Madame Blueberry, Jean-Claude, and Phillipe. Fortunately for them, Aristotle
flies on ahead so that he can try and find where the others are. Aristotle continues
flying above the trees, until he looks down and notices what looks like a bunch of
footprints ont he ground, which are now leading away from the area. Aristotle flies
down to the ground to inspect the footprints on the ground. He notices that these
footprints belong to Laura, Madame Blueberry, and the French Peas, before noticing
another set that belongs to Isabella, and another set that belongs to Juodas.]

Aristotle: Oh no! Juodas must have found them! Fortunately, they left behind their
footprints for us to follow. Bob, Larry, and Mr. Lunt must know about this at once!

[Aristotle then takes to the air again before he flies back the way he came, before
meeting up with Bob, Larry, and Mr. Lunt once again.]

Mr. Lunt: Any luck, Aristotle?

Aristotle: As a matter of fact, I think we've found where Laura and the others have

Larry: We have?

Aristotle: Yes, Larry, I found several sets of footprints, and I fear that Juodas
must have caught Laura, much like we've feared would happen.

All: Oh no!

Aristotle: We can still find them if we hurry! Follow me!

[Bob, Larry, and Mr. Lunt then follow after Aristotle to where he found the sets of
footprints that were on the ground. Soon, they were able to find the footprints that
Aristotle had located.]

Bob: Yep, no doubt that Laura and the others were here earlier.

Mr. Lunt: Where do we go from here now, Bob?

Bob: Well, Mr. Lunt, we just do what Aristotle said, we follow the footprints, and
hopefully, they'll lead us to Laura.

Larry: You got it, Bob!

Aristotle: Yes, come, my friends, while we still have time!

[Aristotle then takes to the air once again and flies ahead while following the footprints,
while Bob, Larry, and Mr. Lunt also follow after Aristotle as well. Meanwhile, in Juodas's
cave, deep within the area, it is revealed that Laura, Madame Blueberry, Jean-Claude, Phillipe,
and Isabella had been captured by Juodas, where they are now tied up. Isabella turns her gaze
sadly towards Laura after that.]

Isabella: I am really sorry that you and your friends ended up in this mess, Laura. I tried
to prevent Juodas from capturing you, but I never figured that he would calculate my every

Laura: I just wish that you would've told us earlier, Isabella.

Isabella: Even if I did, Juodas still would've caught you anyway.

[After a few seconds, Juodas then approaches the captured group while giving them an evil

Juodas: *chuckles cruelly* Isabella, did you honestly expect to go back on your word? And
after what happened today?

Isabella: It's just as well, Juodas. I never wanted to go through with your plan, anyway!
I couldn't let you inflict any harm to this defenseless little poodle!

Juodas: Well, you shouldn't have tried to run away from me! Now you're in big trouble!

[Back in the forest, Bob, Larry, Mr. Lunt, and Aristotle had managed to follow the footprints
until the trail leads all the way to Juodas's cave. There, the four of them peer inside the
cave in time to see Laura and the others tied up by Juodas.]

Larry: *gasp* Juodas really did capture them!

Mr. Lunt: Let's get in there and free our friends!

[Mr. Lunt is about to charge into the cave, but Aristotle holds him back with his talons, to
prevent him from going even further.]

Aristotle: No, Lunt. If you charge in there now, then you'll get caught by Juodas as well.

Mr. Lunt: Oh, good point, Aristotle.

Bob: He's right, we need to come up with a less dangerous plan to save Laura and the others.

Larry: Yeah, but what, Bob?

Bob: I'm thinking on that, Larry.

Mr. Lunt: Well, you better think faster, Bob, because Juodas is about to make dinner out of
our friends.

[Fortunately, Bob is able to come up with a plan to save Laura and the others. Back inside
Juodas's cave, Juodas then picks up Jean-Claude by the tail, as Jean-Claude struggles to
free himself from Juodas's grip.]

Jean-Claude: Please don't eat me, Monsieur Juodas! I'm nozing but skin and bones!

Juodas: Silence, you little morsel!

[Before Juodas can eat Jean-Claude, he suddenly notices pieces of the ceiling of his cave
start to come loose, which confuses him very greatly. Laura, Madame Blueberry, Phillipe,
and Isabella also become confused from this. When Juodas goes to find out what's going on,
after putting Jean-Claude back down, Mr. Lunt then comes out from the ceiling, having been
able to dig a hole in the ceiling of the cave.]

Laura: Mr. Lunt?

Mr. Lunt: Yep, it's me! We've come to save you.

Laura: We? You mean?

Mr. Lunt: Yep, Bob, Larry, and Aristotle are outside keeping Juodas busy so I've come to
save you.

Isabella: I take it that this is one of your friends you've been talking about, Laura?

Laura: Yes, Isabella, this is Mr. Lunt.

Madame Blueberry: Oui, and if Mr. Lunt is here, zen Bob and Larry must be here too.

[When Juodas peers outside of his cave, he doesn't see anything, before he suddenly
taken off guard by Aristotle, who then flies directly into his face to keep him off
guard. Juodas then growls angrily before looking up to see Aristotle again.]

Juodas: *growls* I had a feeling that we'd meet again, Aristotle!

Aristotle: You know, Juodas, something tells me that you're not being very careful these

Juodas: What are you talking about?

Aristotle: Because I think your dinner is about to escape.

Juodas: *surprised* WHAT?!?!?

[Juodas then races back inside his cave, before he reaches the main room of the cave in
time to see that Laura, Madame Blueberry, Jean-Claude, Phillipe, and Isabella had escaped
through the hole in the ceiling, thanks to Mr. Lunt. Juodas is very angry when he sees
that his prisoners had escaped.]

Juodas: *growls angrily* I've been suckered again!

[Juodas then jumps up before he prepares to crawl through the hole. On the top of the
hill above Juodas's cave, Bob and Larry are waiting outside for Mr. Lunt, until he then
comes out from the hole, followed afterwards by Laura, Madame Blueberry, Jean-Claude,
Phillipe, and Isabella as well.]

Bob: Thank goodness you're all okay.

Larry: Are you all right?

Laura: We're fine now.

Isabella: Yes, we never would have escaped Juodas if all of you hadn't come to the

Mr. Lunt: *chuckles* Think nothing of it.

Bob: So, I presume that this is Isabella?

Laura: Yes, Bob. Isabella, these are my friends, Bob, Larry, and Mr. Lunt.

Isabella: *bowing* Pleasure.

Bob: We're very glad to meet you, Isabella.

[However, before anything else can happen, Juodas suddenly bursts out from the hole,
scaring everyone else the second he appears right in front of them.]

Juodas: No one escapes me that easily!

Isabella: Well, you should have been more careful, Juodas.

Juodas: I'll teach you for double-crossing me, Isabella!

[Before Juodas can pounce on Isabella, Aristotle suddenly flies in again and starts
flying around Juodas to keep him distracted, giving the others a chance to escape
from Juodas's wrath. While the group runs for their lives, Laura can't help but
feel worried for Aristotle as she stops running. Isabella is the first one to
take notice of this before she runs back towards Laura.]

Isabella: Laura, what are you doing?

Laura: We can't just leave Aristotle behind with that monster!

Larry: I'm sure that Aristotle knows what he's doing.

Laura: But still, it just seems wrong to leave him behind. We have to help him!

[With that, Laura then runs back towards the fight, before Isabella also starts to
run after Laura as well. The others can only watch, wondering what Laura is up to
now. Juodas still continues swiping at Aristotle, but Aristotle is able to dodge
again and again.]

Juodas: How many times do I have to keep facing you, Aristotle?!?

Aristotle: You'd be surprised how much I have to endure against you!

Juodas: Oh yeah?!? Well, endure this!

[Juodas then raises his paw into the air before striking Aristotle in the chest,
knocking him to the ground. Laura and Isabella run back to the fight in time to
see that Aristotle had been struck down by Juodas.]

Juodas: *chuckles sadistically* This time, you're mine, Aristotle!

Laura: No! Leave him alone!

[Juodas then looks up when he hears the sound of Laura yelling, before he notices
both Laura and Isabella standing before him. Juodas then becomes very angry after

Juodas: You again?!? First you escape from my clutches, and now you interrupt my
revenge on Aristotle!

Laura: I would never abandon a friend in trouble!

Juodas: Have it your way!

[Juodas then starts chasing after Laura and Isabella, at the same time that Aristotle
is able to pick him up, before Bob, Larry, and the others run over to see if Aristotle
is alright.]

Jean-Claude: Aristotle! Are you alright?

Phillipe: Speak to us!

Aristotle: Ugh, I'm just fine. A little beaten up, but still in one piece.

Larry: Whew! That's a relief!

Mr. Lunt: But what do we do to save Laura and Isabella?

Madame Blueberry: Oui, zat nasty wolf is still after zem!

Bob: We have to make sure that Juodas does not catch up to Laura and Isabella!

Everyone else: Right!

[Laura and Isabella continue running for their lives up the hill, with Juodas still
hot on their tail, until they manage to make up the steep part of the hill, which
Juodas cannot reach. No matter how many times, Juodas tries to jump up the steep
part of the hill, he cannot reach it.]

Juodas: No fair! You're playing dirty pool!

[On the top of the hill, Laura and Isabella are relieved that they were able to
escape from Juodas's clutches from now, but still have to figure out a way to
get rid of him.]

Isabella: We should be safe up here for now, Laura.

Laura: But how do we get rid of Juodas? He'll catch us if we try to get down from

Isabella: I wish I knew. I hadn't planned this far ahead.

[While looking around, Laura suddenly notices a large pile of rocks right on top
of the steep part of the hill, which gives her an idea as she runs over towards
the rocks and starts pushing on them.]

Laura: Isabella, please help me!

Isabella: Of course! I see what you're thinking, Laura!

[Isabella then goes over to help Laura push on the rocks, while Juodas is still
jumping up trying to reach the top of the steep part. Before Juodas can do anything
else, he is suddenly called to attention by the French Peas who start teasing and
jeering him. This angers Juodas before he charges towards the two mice, before he
is suddenly tackled from behind by Larry, who knocks him to the ground. Juodas
then gets up before glaring angrily at Larry.]

Juodas: You ring-tailed bum! You'll pay for that!

[After a few seconds, Laura and Isabella are finally successful in loosening the
pile of rocks, which causes the rocks to start tumbling down the hill towards
Juodas. Before Juodas can do anything else, he suddenly looks over in time to
see the rocks tumbling towards him, before he finds himself caught in the enormous


[Soon, Juodas has disappeared down the other side of the hill just as the rockslide
has now passed. With Juodas once again gotten rid of for now, Laura and Isabella
then climb down from the steep part of the hill before meeting up with Bob, Larry,
Mr. Lunt, Madame Blueberry, Jean-Claude, Phillipe, and Aristotle once again.]

Bob: Nice going, Laura.

Larry: Yeah, you sure showed Juodas a thing or two.

Laura: Thank you, but I couldn't have done it without Isabella.

Isabella: Please, Laura, it was nothing really.

Aristotle: Now, Isabella, don't get modest on us now.

Isabella: Aristotle, it's been such a long time.

Laura: *surprised* You two know each other?

Aristotle: Of course, Isabella and I go back a long time.

Isabella: But we've not seen each other in years, until now when you helped to get
rid of Juodas.

Mr. Lunt: It's what we did, Isabella.

Bob: Now, Laura, I hope you've learned your lesson about being cautious in what you

Laura: Yes, Bob.

Aristotle: We should hope so, Laura. After all, as the bible says, "Look carefully
then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise. Ephesians 5:15."

Isabella: Exactly, Aristotle, now that means that God wants us to be careful with
each step that we take in everything that we do.

Larry: Cool, Isabella, I didn't know that believed in God too.

Isabella: Of course. After all, Aristotle was the one who taught me everything to
know about God and what he can do.

Laura: Isabella, would you like to come back with us? I bet that the rest of our
friends back home would like to meet you.

Isabella: I would be glad to, Laura, anything for you and your friends. *smiles*

Bob: Come on, guys, let's go home.

[Soon, Bob, Larry, Mr. Lunt, Laura, Madame Blueberry, the French Peas, Aristotle,
and Isabella then start to head back towards the main forest once again.]

(Ending credits playing)
Here is the fifth episode of Veggie Animals.

Synopsis: When Laura gets chased by Juodas the wolf, she is suddenly saved by a beautiful arctic fox named Isabella who is able to drive off Juodas for now. With Juodas gone for now, Laura then goes back home, before telling the others about how Isabella saved her from Juodas. Of course, Laura wants to find Isabella to thank her for saving her from Juodas, so while accompanied by Madame Blueberry, Jean-Claude, and Phillipe, they go out into the deep part of the forest to find Isabella. However, at the same time, Isabella had been coerced by Juodas into leading Laura into a trap, but Isabella is able to defy Juodas in order to help Laura and the others, but Juodas is one step ahead of them and captures them. Fortunately, Bob, Larry, Mr. Lunt, and Aristotle are able to help Laura and the others, but not without Juodas chasing after them again. After some quick thinking, Laura, with help from Isabella, is able to get rid of Juodas by getting him caught in a rockslide. With Juodas gotten rid of once again, the animals, with Isabella by their side, start to return to their home in the forest again.

A lesson in: Caution

Focus animal(s): Laura


In this episode, we are introduced to a brand new character, Isabella the arctic fox.

VeggieTales is TM of Big Idea and DreamWorks.
© 2014 - 2024 NineLivesCaveCat
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srmthfgfan724's avatar
wow this was a nice episode but juodas will be back