
Bringing Back The Balance (Episode 49)

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Literature Text

Bringing Back The Balance

Episode 49: Torikmon And Hangmon

By Cave-Cat-87


Arlene: We found ourselves battling against Peripatusmon, a Digimon that we had fought against
in the past, but unfortunately for us, Floyd ending up hurting his leg while Bogus got poisoned
by Peripatusmon's Venom Saliva attack! Fortunately for us, we were in the vicinity of a Digimon
named Paramon, who was said to be skilled at medicinal practices, so we enlisted his help in
healing Bogus and Floyd, with a lot of success. Even in spite of Floyd and Bogus being cured,
they still had to wait a while before doing any actual fighting. When the morning came, Peripatusmon
had returned, but even in spite of our best efforts, the battle went nowhere, until Floyd and Bogus
were finally fully recovered and were able to return to the fight once again, which ended with
Peripatusmon becoming deflated from his powers! Now that that's over, our next stop is the Northern
parts of the Caneshire Mountains!


Canine the Trailmon continued chugging down the tracks that led to the Northern parts of the
Caneshire Mountains, while the Digidestined and the Housepets and the new recruits all rode in
one of Canine's passenger carts. After 10 minutes had passed, Canine soon arrived at the Northern
parts of the Caneshire Mountains, before everyone all climbed out from the passenger cart after

"Thanks for the ride, Canine, we really appreciated it," Takuya said.

"No problem, kid. I'm the Caneshire Mountains' best transportation. If you need anything, just
holler," Canine said before he chugged off as everyone all watched on.

"Ah, it feels great to be back in the Caneshire Mountains again, pardners," Wranglermon said with
a smile.

"Yeah, but this is the Northern side of the Caneshire Mountains, Wranglermon," Strikedramon said.

"So? I've gone here lots of times with Drovermon. In fact, a couple more friends of mine live here
in the Northern area of the Caneshire Mountains," Wranglermon said.

"Wow, Wranglermon, you certainly do know a lot of the canine Digimon here," Zoe said.

"Yeah, why am I not surprised?" JP asked.

"Is this conversation going to preempt lunch? I'm starved," Sock said.

"Be patient, Sock, we'll eat soon," Ari said.

"Come to think of it, I think a lot of us are hungry," Azatoimon said.

Fortunately for everyone, Wranglermon knew that the Northern parts of the Caneshire Mountains were
ripe with all sorts of food sources in nearly every area. Takuya, Garfield, Koji, Nermal, JP, Odie,
Bokomon, Neemon, Socramon, Gabumon, Azatoimon, Phasmamon, and Oburmon, were able to collect armloads
of firewood, Zoe, Arlene, Tommy, Floyd, Apteryxmon, Pommon, Manxmon, Marinemon, Bucky, Satchel, Hank,
Drover, Viscomon, and Cloutmon were able to collect Jewelberries, wild mushrooms and onions, and
strange different-colored ellipse-shaped fruits called Eclipse Fruits, Koichi, Max, Joy, Tanya,
Snoopy, Woodstock, Strikedramon, Wranglermon, and Tolanmon were able to collect large amounts of
Bloccokoberries, and Chris, Jeffrey, Sock, Ari, and Bogus were out collecting buckets of water
to drink. After having collected around 6 buckets of water, Chris couldn't help but begin to
feel a little bit wiped out.

"Whew! I've forgotten how much work it is to collect water from the stream," Chris said as he
wiped some sweat off his brow.

"Yeah, I know the feelin', Chris, and I mainly have the zookeepers wait hand and foot on me when
servin' me my meals," Jeffrey said after that.

"I'm glad that Ari and I don't live in a zoo like you do, Jeffrey," Sock said.

"Oh, Bogus know about zoos. Me go there once," Bogus said after that.

"That's right, Bogus, you told us Housepets about that," Jeffrey said as he gave Bogus a little pat
on the head.

"I'm so tired, I feel like I just want to rest for a few minutes," Chris said as he began to sit
down before closing his eyes.

However, just as soon as he did that, he opened his eyes after that when he heard a strange sound
start ringing out from the foliage around him and the others, "Eeh-eeh! Eeh-eeh! Eeh-eeh! Eeh-eeh!"

"Huh? Bogus, was that you?" Chris asked while looking down at Bogus.

"Bogus no say anything, Chreesto," Bogus said while shrugging, not knowing what Chris was talking

"That's strange, I could've sworn that I heard something," Chris said.

"But we didn't hear anything, Chris," Sock said after that.

"What did it sound like, Christopher?" Ari asked.

"I don't know, Aristotle, the sound is sort of hard to describe, but it sounded kinda like-" Chris
said before the sound rang out again.

"Eeh-eeh! Eeh-eeh!"

"Like that! There it is again!" Chris shouted after hearing the sound again.

"Eeh-eeh! Eeh-eeh! Eeh-eeh!"

"Oh yeah, now we hear it this time, Chris," Jeffrey said.

"Come on, we gotta let the others know about that sound!" Chris shouted.

However, there was also another sound afterwards, "Woof! Woof, Woof, Woof! Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof,
Woof, Woof, Woof!"

"Woof, Woof? I didn't know that dog Digimon actually said 'woof woof'," Sock said.

"This is getting too strange," Ari said.

"Get the water buckets and let's get back to the others," Chris said.

After picking up the buckets of water, Chris, Jeffrey, Sock, Ari, and Bogus then began to ran back
the way they came. Soon, the rest of the gang had all met up with each other after collecting the
food and the firewood, but now they needed to wait for Chris and his small group to return with the
water. Seconds later, Chris then ran up to them followed afterwards by Jeffrey, Sock, Ari, and Bogus,
just as Chris began panting heavily in exhaustion from doing so much running.

"About time you got back, Chris," JP said.

"What's wrong, Chris? Why are you so tired?" Joy asked.

"Guys, you won't believe what we heard out there while we were collecting the water," Chris said.

With that, Chris then began explaining to the rest of the gang that while he, Jeffrey, Sock, Ari,
and Bogus were getting the water, they heard a strange "Eeh-eeh" sound from within the foliage,
followed afterwards by a "Woof, Woof" sound. After Chris had finished this explanation, everyone
else couldn't believe what they had just heard.

"Eeh-eeh?" Koji asked.

"And woof woof?" Koichi asked after that.

"Okay, this is getting too weird," JP said.

"Even if it is weird, we have to figure out where these so-called noises are coming from," Takuya

"Eeh-eeh! Eeh-eeh! Eeh-eeh! Eeh-eeh!"

"Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof!"

Everyone else became both surprised and alert when they heard these two sounds. Wranglermon, on the
other hand, recognized these two sounds, but kept quiet about it. The Digidestined all pulled out
their D-Tectors, preparing to Spirit Evolve, while the Housepets, the new recruits, and most of the
Digimon got into their fighting poses. At that moment, a Digimon then began marching out from the
foliage towards the gang, while another Digimon suddenly leapt out from the foliage and sped right
across their path.

The Digimon that sped out from the foliage then appeared in front of the gang before he began to
bark, "Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof!"

Everyone all sweatdropped at this strange Digimon that was repeatedly barking at them. The Digimon
had the appearance of a medium-sized coyote-dingo hybrid that stood up on his hind legs, was a little
bit shorter than the Digidestined, had a rather portly stature, a triangular notch in his left ear,
brownish-orange fur covering his body, bright orange fur on his belly, had long strands of dark purple
hair sticking out on the tips of his ears, had dark gray leather bands wrapped around his arms, bright
green spots on his back, and had a short stubby tail that was colored dark brown.


Name: Torikmon

Level: Ultimate

Type: Data

Animal Digimon

Attacks: Whipping Cyclone, Hair Whip, Head Slamming Attack


Wranglermon: Tarnation! That's Torikmon! This canine Digimon is thought to be one of the greatest
tricksters and masters of trickery in all of the Digital World! I plumb would stay out of the way
of his Whippin' Cyclone attack if I were you!

---End Digi-Info---

Then, the other Digimon that made the strange cricket chirp-like sound while marching then marched
right next to Torikmon in front of the Digidestined and the Housepets and the new recruits. This
Digimon looked a little bit like Torikmon, except he was slightly taller, standing to the same
height as the Digidestined, also had a portly stature, but not quite as portly as Torikmon, a
small circular notch on the tip of his right ear, gold-yellow fur covering his body, bright yellow
fur on his belly, had large tufts of navy blue fur sticking out from the sides of his ears, had a
brown belt strapped around the left side of his body that held a bone that he used as a weapon,
dark red stripes on his back, similar to that of a banded mongoose, and had a long whip-like tail.


Name: Hangmon

Level: Ultimate

Type: Data

Animal Digimon

Attacks: Vocal Shocker, Spinning Bone, Long Tail Attack


Wranglermon: And that there's Hangmon! Much like his partner, Torikmon, this canine Digimon uses
trickery against his opponents too, but he does so by mimickin' other sound effects to confuse them,
his most favorite sound bein' that cricket-like chirp of his! A lot of the whippersnappers that come
his way will get blown away by his Vocal Shocker attack!

---End Digi-Info---

Hangmon still continued making his 'Eeh-eeh' sound while still marching around in front of the gang,
before he pulled out the bone from the belt on his back and began twirling it around before throwing
it up in the air before it came back down again as it landed neatly in his hand. After catching his
bone again, Hangmon then gave off a peace sign at the gang. Everyone was a little amazed but surprised
by this display, while Torikmon turned his gaze towards his friend.

"Do you always have to overdo it, Hangmon?" Torikmon asked in a skeptical manner.

"Sorry, Torikmon. Eeh-eeh!" Hangmon said apologetically.

"Well, I guess that solves the mystery of what those strange sounds were that Chris was hearing," JP

"Thank you for that, JP," Chris said rather sarcastically.

The minute Torikmon and Hangmon looked over and noticed that they were in the presence of the Digidestined
and the Housepets, they became surprised.

"Don't look now, Hangmon, but we seem to be in the presence of some humans," Torikmon said, to which Hangmon
then nodded in agreement afterwards.

"Yeah, but not just any humans," Azatoimon said.

"Yes, these humans are actually embued with the power to Spirit Evolve into the Spirits of the Great Legendary
Warriors!" Bokomon said after that.

"WHAT?!?!? No kidding! You mean THE Great Legendary Warriors?!?" Torikmon asked in surprise after that.

"Yep, that's true, Torikmon," Wranglermon said after that.

"Ah, Wranglermon, fancy seeing you in these parts of the Caneshire Mountains again. Long time no see,"
Torikmon said with a smile.

"Well, you know me, I just decided to come back here fer old time's sake," Wranglermon said.

"Old time's sake?" Hangmon asked after that.

"Yep, you heard me, and I hope that you two haven't been gettin' yerselves into any serious trouble,"
Wranglermon said while waving a finger at both Torikmon and Hangmon.

"Oh, come on, Wranglermon, Hangmon and I would never actually cause any real trouble, you know that,"
Torikmon said while shrugging.

"Heh, yer right, I do know that. What was I thinkin'?" Wranglermon asked while giving off a small chuckle.

"I'm surprised that you're actually capable of thinking, Wranglermon," Strikedramon said.

"Okay, we get it already. Wranglermon knows these two Digimon," Takuya said.

"It does make sense, since they are canine Digimon like Wranglermon is," Tommy said after that.

"Right, Tommy," Floyd said.

"Eeh-eeh! Eeh-eeh! Eeh-eeh! Eeh-eeh!" Hangmon chirped.

"Awwwwwww, he's so cute when he makes that noise!" Zoe crooned happily.

"Yeah, kinda like a happy cricket!" Joy said after that.

"Uh-huh! Happy cricket!" Hangmon repeated before chirping again. "Eeh-eeh! Eeh-eeh!"

"What are you talking about? That doesn't sound anything like a cricket at all," JP said.

"How do you know, JP?" Odie asked.

"I'll have to agree with JP, it sounds more like Hangmon is acting like a parrot," Koichi said.

"Or a mockingbird," Chris added after that.

"Mockingbird! Mockingbird! Eeh-eeh!" Hangmon chirped after that.

"Whatever he sounds like, we shouldn't judge a Digimon for what he is or what he sounds like," Oburmon

"Eh, that's right, Oburmon," Phasmamon said while agreeing with Oburmon.

"Can we please get on with our lunch? I'm starving," Sock said while holding his stomach with both hands.

"Yeah, Bogus hungry too," Bogus said after that as he also held his stomach.

Everyone realized that they still needed to get lunch ready, so after getting the fire all ready and the
food all set out, the Digidestined and the Housepets and the new recruits all began to eat their meal,
but realized that they felt guilty eating in front of Torikmon and Hangmon, who were also hungry. Because
of that, the gang had no other choice now but to also invite the two canine Digimon to join them in their
lunch, something which the two Digimon were happy about. After Torikmon and Hangmon were given their share
of the food, the two canine Digimon happily ate the food that they were given.

"They must've been really hungry for such a long time, judging by the way they're eating," Koji said.

"Yeah, I know the feeling, Koji," JP said after that.

However, while everyone ate their lunch, they didn't realize that they were being spied on by two familiar
figures that hid in the foliage. It was Sock's enemy, Roccorro, also known as Rock, and Bucky's enemy,
Fungo Squiggly. It was obvious that Rock and Fungo were still wanting to take their revenge out on the
Digidestined and the Housepets.

"Never thought that we'd see those humans here in the Northern parts of the Caneshire Mountains," Rock

"Indubitably, Roccorro. Especially since Bucky was lucky in surviving against us," Fungo said.

"Right, and don't forget Socrates. This time, he and his friends will not win this battle," Rock growled
as he clenched his right paw into a fist.

Rock then turned his gaze towards some Digimon that also hid in the foliage. It was some Digimon that he
and Fungo had hired to help them get rid of the Digidestined and the Housepets and the new recruits. Back
with the gang, they had finished eating lunch, while Torikmon and Hangmon were grateful that their new
friends were able to give them something to eat.

"Thank you very kindly for inviting us to your lunch. You have no idea how long Hangmon and I have gone
without a bite to eat," Torikmon said with a smile, at the same time that Hangmon was licking his lips

"How could you guys have been that hungry? There's lots of food in these areas from what we found! There's
plenty for you to eat!" JP said in disbelief.

"Actually, JP, Torikmon and Hangmon are two of the few Digimon that can go for a long time without food,
presumably to conserve their eating energy," Bokomon said.

"Yes, that's true," Gabumon said after that.

"Conserve their eating energy? Can other Digimon really do that?" Chris asked.

"I don't think I'd want to conserve my eating energy. I prefer to eat when the opportunity comes," Garfield

"Obviously," Arlene said while rolling her eyes.

"Opportunity! Eeh-eeh! Eeh-eeh!" Hangmon chirped after that.

"I think we see what you mean about Hangmon mimicking other sounds or words spoken by others, Wranglermon,"
Koji said.

"Yeah, Hangmon may not be much fer talkin', but he's still good at expressin' himself in every way," Wranglermon

"Right, Wranglermon, just like how I mostly like expressing myself through my trumpet music," Tolanmon said
before he started trumpeting.

Wranglermon then gave Tolanmon a little pat on the head after that while smiling at him. Later, the Digidestined
and the Housepets and the new recruits were now talking with Torikmon and Hangmon, with Wranglermon telling the
two canine Digimon about their adventures through the rest of the Digital World.

"I'm surprised that Wranglermon actually has a lot of canine Digimon friends here in the Caneshire Mountains,"
Chris said.

"Well, sure, Chris, just because we never came to this part of the mountains before doesn't mean that we shouldn't
get to know more of the canine Digimon here," Joy said.

"You're right, Joy, how could I have forgotten that?" Chris asked.

"Even in spite of that, it's good to know that there are more canine Digimon here in these parts of the Caneshire
Mountains," Koji said.

"Yeah, that's true. Even canine Digimon that we don't even know about just yet," JP said, before he was suddenly
interrupted by the sound of Torikmon laughing.

"HAHAHAHAHA! Oh, that cracks me up! You mean that you and Drovermon were actually angry with each other all
because of a lone meat apple?!?" Torikmon asked before he started laughing again, something which Wranglermon
was not happy about.

"It ain't funny, Torikmon," Wranglermon said solemnly.

Torikmon then stopped laughing when he saw that Wranglermon wasn't laughing and said, "Oh, right, I'm sorry,
Wranglermon. I don't know what came over me."

"Oh sure, Torikmon, ain't no harm done," Wranglermon said while putting one hand on Torikmon's back.

"No harm done, Torikmon," Hangmon said after that.

Torikmon could only give off an embarrassed chuckle after that, knowing that Wranglermon was still good friends
with him and Hangmon. Even in spite of this, however, the Digidestined and the Housepets and the new recruits
were still a little bit hesitant about whether Torikmon and Hangmon were to be trusted. Because of that, they
all decided to go off a little ways before huddling together to discuss about Torikmon and Hangmon. However,
what they didn't know, was that Rock, Fungo, and their Digimon accomplices were now starting to stalk right
towards where Torikmon and Hangmon were standing.

"What do you think about this, guys?" Takuya asked.

"I'm not sure what to think, Takuya," Garfield answered.

"What do you mean, Takuya? They seem nice enough," Zoe said.

"Yeah, there doesn't seem to be anything remotely malicious about them, even if they did baffle us for a
while with those strange noises," Chris said.

"That's what troubles me," JP said while crossing his arms across his chest.

"JP, how can you say that? I think Torikmon and Hangmon are just cute. I even liked how Hangmon twirled that
bone of his like a baton," Joy said.

"That makes two of us, Joy," Tanya said while smiling.

"Sure they may have their differences, just like every other Digimon in the Digital World, but they seem
sincere, so it's okay for us to put our trust in them," Koichi said.

"You really hit the nail right on the head, Koichi," Max said after that.

"Thank you, Max," Koichi said while smiling.

"Aside from all that, it's good to know that even though a lot of the Digimon here are different in each and
every way, they should get along with each other," Azatoimon said.

"Well said, Azatoimon," Phasmamon said with a small smile.

However, before the conversation, the gang suddenly heard what sounded like fighting coming from off in the
distance, followed by the sound of both Torikmon and Hangmon yelling out fearfully. Everyone realized that
from the sounds of the fighting going on, this meant that Torikmon and Hangmon were both in trouble as they
quickly ran off towards the direction of where the sound was coming from. They quickly ran up to some bushes
of where the two canine Digimon were behind, before Torikmon and Hangmon were suddenly thrown into the air
while screaming in anguish, while the gang all stared up in shock at what just happened. Torikmon and Hangmon
continued screaming as they soared through the air until they fell back down and started tumbling across the
ground in pain. Everyone then ran over to where Torikmon and Hangmon both laid on the ground in pain.

"What happened to you guys?" Koji asked.

"Who did this to you?" Chris asked after that.

"Eeh-ehhhhhh," Hangmon squawked before he fell down weakly.

"Run while you can, it's... not... safe," Torikmon said weakly, before groaning as he also fell back down
again after that.

"But who did this to you?" Tommy asked.

"That's easy enough for us to answer, children!" The gang heard a familiar sinister voice say.

Before everyone could react, two familiar figures then walked out from the bushes right in front of the
Digidestined and the Housepets and the new recruits after that. It was Roccorro and Fungo, something which
surprised and angered everyone very greatly.

"Roccorro!" Sock growled angrily.

"Fungo!" Bucky growled angrily after that.

"Surprise, children. Fancy meeting you all here again in the Caneshire Mountains," Rock said while giving off
an evil grin.

"We should've known that you two lowlifes would do something like this!" Takuya said angrily.

"On the contrary, we didn't beat up those two canine throw rugs, it was thanks to some friends of ours,"
Fungo said.

It was at that moment that a group comprised of four Digimon appeared alongside Rock and Fungo. The first
Digimon was a Cerosmon, the mechanical rhino Digimon that Darren and Farley had defeated in battle long ago
when they first became Falconmon and Nimbusmon, respectively. The second Digimon had the appearance of what
looked like a cross between a dragon and a large insect with an insect-like face, blue dragon-like arms with
sharp claws on his hands, two pairs of insect wings on his back, a spiked collar around his neck, red bands
around his legs, and had a blue dragon-like tail. The third Digimon looked like a large army tank with orange
eyes, green metal skin all over his body, had a cannon for his nose as well as cannons for his arms, and had
tank wheels like a real tank. The fourth and final Digimon looked something like a large mechanical beetle
with dark gray-black metal skin all over his body, had long claws on his hands, and had two pairs of beetle
wings on his back with orange trims on them that formed themselves into an X-shape.

"Who's the robotic rhino?" JP asked.

"That's Cerosmon, a mean and dastardly Digimon at the Ultimate-level known to turn that horn of his into a
powerful cannon," Gabumon answered.


Name: DinoBeemon

Level: Ultimate

Type: Virus

Mutant Digimon

Attacks: Death Masquerade, Irritant Buzz


Kunemon: DinoBeemon is known to bear the nickname of the "Frightening Bee" because of the fact that he seems
to share traits of both insect and dragon types! Even so, his Death Masquerade attack will spell doom for
those who are not careful when fighting him!


Name: Tankmon

Level: Champion

Type: Data

Cyborg Digimon

Attacks: Hyper Cannon, Machine Gun Arms


Apteryxmon: That's Tankmon! This overgrown army tank is thought to be a mercenary Digimon because of his love
for fighting, but he also has a tendency to emit a humming sound that is rather annoying to other Digimon!


Name: GrandisKuwagamon

Level: Mega

Type: Virus

Insect Digimon

Attacks: Grandis Scissor, Gran Killer


Pommon: GrandisKuwagamon is said to be a mysterious being thought to have evolved from GranKuwagamon! With
those powerful claws of his, not many Digimon can escape his Grandis Scissor attack!

---End Digi-Info---

"Heh, those worthless canines were pushovers to us when we fought them," Cerosmon said.

"That's right, so we took care of them with ease," DinoBeemon said after that.

"You sidewindin' yeller-bellied cayuses!" Wranglermon growled angrily.

"Flattery will get you nowhere, Wranglermon," GrandisKuwagamon said while giving off a cruel chuckle.

This only prompted Wranglermon to growl angrily once again, but Strikedramon and Phasmamon were able to
help him calm down and not let his anger do anything rash. The rest of the gang had gone to see if both
Torikmon and Hangmon were alright from getting hurt by Rock and Fungo's accomplices, before deciding that
it was now time for them to show the baddies a thing or two about picking on innocent Digimon. With that,
Takuya, Koji, Tommy, Zoe, JP, Koichi, Chris, and Joy pulled out their D-Tectors before Spirit Evolving
to Agunimon, Lobomon, Kumamon, Kazemon, Beetlemon, Lowemon, Stratomon, and Meilemon while Garfield, Nermal,
Floyd, Arlene, Odie, Max, Jeffrey, and Tanya became Pardalimon, Luminamon, Ratomon, Uraganomon, Voltamon,
Twilimon, Atmosmon, and Lovaressmon. However, some of the Rookies Digivolved separately, with Apteryxmon,
Pommon, Orchidmon, and Kunemon Digivolving to their Champion forms then their Ultimate forms so that they
could have a better chance of fighting against both Cerosmon and DinoBeemon while Socramon, Manxmon,
Gabumon, and Marinemon just Digivolved to Cheetahmon, Panthromon, Garurumon, and Tsunamimon so that
they would fight against Tankmon. Similarly so, Azatoimon, Phasmamon, Viscomon, and Oburmon also Digivolved
to SkullBaluchimon, Mistymon, Skadimon, and Shawjamon to help fight against both Cerosmon and DinoBeemon,
which left Strikedramon, Wranglermon, Tolanmon, and Cloutmon to help fight against Tankmon. Sock, Ari,
Bucky, Satchel, Hank, Drover, Snoopy, and Woodstock then became Sockiomon, Aristomon, Mezonimon, Butomon,
Bandidomon, Desperadmon, Perromon, and Glidemon afterwards. Once the Digidestined and the Housepets and
the new recruits have completed their respected evolutions, Torikmon and Hangmon were amazed to see their
human friends turn into these powerful Digimon.

"Whoa, so those kids were telling the truth. They really can turn into the Great Legendary Warriors,"
Torikmon said as he stared up at the eight Human Warrior Digimon.

"Yeah, amazing! Eeh-eeh!" Hangmon chirped after that.

"Yes, Torikmon, the Digidestined have been specially chosen to hold on to the Spirits of the Legendary
Warriors because of their bravery and their determination," Bokomon said.

"They're really awesome too!" Neemon said cheerfully, which prompted Bokomon to pull Neemon's pants and
snap them once again.

While this was going on, Rock and Fungo had turned into Rockillimon and Gluipemon once again, before
they both began to fight against both Sockiomon and Mezonimon respectively. Cerosmon fired off a
Lightning Horn attack, but Agunimon leapt in front of the attack before using a Pyro Tornado attack
to block off the attack like it was nothing. Unfortunately for him, he was suddenly struck from behind
by DinoBeemon's claws, but Pardalimon was able to use an Inferno Bomb attack that struck DinoBeemon
in the chest. At the same time this was happening, Cheetahmon and Panthromon had combined Electricity
Cannon and Indigo Beam that did some damage on Tankmon, but this only made him very angry.

"You'll pay for that! Hyper Cannon!" Tankmon fired an energy missile from the cannon on his nose that
hit both Cheetahmon and Panthromon, giving them some minor damage.

Strikedramon struck Tankmon across the face with a Strike Claw attack before Wranglermon attacked next
with a Terra Kick attack. Garurumon was able to tackle himself forcefully into Tankmon, before Tsunamimon
used a Tsunami Crash attack that also did more damage on Tankmon. DinoBeemon slashed both Lobomon and
Beetlemon with his claws before also doing the same thing to both Kumamon and Stratomon. This prompted
Luminamon, Voltamon, Ratomon, and Atmosmon to combine Incandescent Arrow, Electric Wave, Icicle Melee,
and Jackal Typhoon together, which also did more damage on DinoBeemon. This also made DinoBeemon very
angry before he used an attack of his own.

"Death Masquerade!" DinoBeemon held out his claws before he began slashing Luminamon, Voltamon, Ratomon,
and Atmosmon very rapidly, giving them a lot of damage.

Before DinoBeemon could react, however, he was suddenly struck from behind by a Proton Slam attack from
Beetlemon, before Stratomon slashed DinoBeemon from behind with a Strato Blade attack. This only made
DinoBeemon slash Stratomon with his claws, but Lobomon slashed DinoBeemon back with a Lobo Kendo attack
afterwards. At the same time this was happening, Bandidomon and Desperadmon had DNA Digivolved to Durangomon
while Perromon and Glidemon DNA Digivolved to Balanmon so that they would fight against Cerosmon. Cerosmon
changed his horn into a cannon before using a Horn Cannon attack that hit Durangomon, but he was able to
counter back with a Vaquiero Claw attack, but unfortunately, the attack did not affect Cerosmon because
of his really hard metal skin. At the same time, Sockiomon and Rockillimon were once again swordfighting
with their claws, while Mezonimon and Gluipemon exchanged blows with each other, with Mezonimon using his
tuna lances and Gluipemon using his daggers. Rockillimon slashed Sockiomon across the face with a Demonic
Blade attack, but Sockiomon used an Excalibur's Claws attack that struck Rockillimon in the chest. While
this was going on, Gluipemon slashed Mezonimon across the chest with a Razor Tail attack, but Mezonimon
had managed to bonk Gluipemon on the head with a Tuna Club attack, which caused Gluipemon to grunt in
mild pain.

"That does it, Bucky Katt! We are not taking this sitting down!" Gluipemon said angrily.

"Come on, Fungo Squiggly! I can take anything you can dish out!" Mezonimon said.

"That's what you think, yet I always thrash you! DinoBeemon, do your stuff!" Gluipemon shouted.

"With pleasure, Gluipemon!" DinoBeemon said.

With that, DinoBeemon began to buzz his wings rapidly while dangerously low to the ground, which caused
a huge cloud of dust to kick up in the air. The dust caused everyone to start coughing, making it difficult
for them to try to fight back against the evil Digimon. Even Cloutmon had failed to blow away the dust with
a Tornado Blast attack, when he ended up inhaling some dust when he tried to use the attack, which caused
him to start coughing before falling into unconsciousness.

"This dust is too much for us!" Beetlemon shouted.

"With Cloutmon out, who will help us blow this dust away?" Stratomon asked.

"Maybe I can do it!" Torikmon said as he stepped forward.

"Alright, Torikmon, show us what you've got," Lobomon said.

"Here I go! Stand back, everyone! Whipping Cyclone!" Torikmon whipped the long purple hair strands on the
tips of his ears forward as they stood up straight, as they started spinning in a tornado-like style,
before firing a huge cimarron-colored energy whirlwind that plowed right through the dust cloud, blowing
away the dust, and clearing everyone's vision once again.

"Nice going, Torikmon, but it looks like these mashers are too powerful for us in our Human forms," Agunimon

The rest of the Human Spirits all agreed with Agunimon, knowing that Tankmon, Cerosmon, DinoBeemon, and
GrandisKuwagamon were much too powerful for them. With that, Agunimon, Lobomon, Kumamon, Kazemon, Beetlemon,
Lowemon, Stratomo, and Meilemon were covered with Fractal Code bands before they Slide Evolved to BurningGreymon,
KendoGarurumon, Korikakkumon, Zephyrmon, MetalKabuterimon, JagerLowemon, RegioGryphonmon, and CherishStagmon. After
the Digidestined had finished their Slide Evolution, Torikmon and Hangmon were both surprised to see their human
friends turn into these even bigger Digimon. BurningGreymon, Zephyrmon, and RegioGryphonmon flew out before they
tackled into Cerosmon, KendoGarurumon, JagerLowemon, and MetalKabuterimon grabbed hold of DinoBeemon, and Korikakkumon
and CherishStagmon both jumped GrandisKuwagamon. At the same time this was happening, Rockillimon and Gluipemon then
DNA Digivolved into Harciamon again, which prompted Sockiomon and Aristomon to DNA Digivolve into Feraldramon while
Mezonimon and Butomon DNA Digivolved into Christiamon. GrandisKuwagamon then used an attack of his own against the

"Grandis Scissor!" GrandisKuwagamon flew forward with his long scissor-like wings glowing with an eerie aura before
he slashed both Korikakkumon and CherishStagmon, giving them a lot of damage.

"Irritant Buzz!" DinoBeemon buzzed his wings rapidly, firing off a powerful energy-induced shockwave that blew
KendoGarurumon, JagerLowemon, and MetalKabuterimon back a few feet.

Cerosmon had turned the horn on his nose from a cannon back into a horn again before using another Lightning
Horn attack that electrocuted BurningGreymon, Zephyrmon, and RegioGryphonmon. Pardalimon thew an Inferno Bomb
attack that struck Cerosmon, but the attack also did not affect him. Similarly, when PureheartOuncemon used a
Shockwave Slash attack, the attack also had no effect on Cerosmon. Tankmon then fired off another Hyper Cannon
attack that also did a lot of damage on Cheetahmon, Panthromon, Garurumon, Tsunamimon, Strikedramon, Wranglermon,
and Tolanmon.

"Wranglermon, speak to us!" Torikmon yelled.

"Are you okay, Wranglermon? Eeh-eeh!" Hangmon asked after that.

"I'm fine, pardners. I may be bruised up badly, but I ain't lettin' this bucket of bolts overrun us," Wranglermon

"That's easier said than done, Wranglermon, plus, we still have DinoBeemon and Cerosmon to worry about," Strikedramon

"Yeah, what can we do against them?" Tolanmon asked after that.

"Maybe there is an idea. Torikmon, remember that move that we perfected long ago when I used to come here all the
time?" Wranglermon asked.

"Well, sure, Wranglermon, but- Wait, you don't mean?!?" Torikmon asked in surprise.

"Yep, that's exactly what I mean, Torikmon. The Spinnin' Toss," Wranglermon said as he smirked.

Harciamon had kicked Feraldramon in the chest with a Razor Kick attack, before using a Shield of Twilight attack that
blew Christiamon back a few feet. Bogus had unleashed a spring-loaded boxing glove from his pocket that nailed Harciamon
directly from behind, which prompted Harciamon to whack Bogus away with one hand. At the same time this had happened,
Torikmon leapt into Wranglermon's right arm, just as Wranglermon stood up on one leg while perched directly on his toes,
before he began to spin around on his toes while still holding Torikmon in his arm, before throwing Torikmon right into
the air towards Harciamon. Before Harciamon could react, Torikmon then used another attack against him.

"Hair Whip!" Torikmon whipped the long purple hair strands on the tips of his ears forward, before they wrapped themselves
around Harciamon's arms.

"What is this?!? Let go of me this instant, you orange-bellied nuisance!" Harciamon growled angrily as he tried to free
himself from Torikmon's attack.

"Thanks a lot, Torikmon," Feraldramon said.

"Yeah, we really needed that," Christiamon added after that.

At the same time this had happened, Hangmon was pestering Tankmon with his 'Eeh-eeh' sound, which made Tankmon increasingly
frustrated and distracted, which gave Cheetahmon, Panthromon, Garurumon, Tsunamimon, Strikedramon, Wranglermon, and Tolanmon
a chance to use their strongest attacks to finish off Tankmon once and for all. Korikakkumon had Slide Evolved to Kumamon so
that he would perform the Fractal Code scan, as he took away the Fractal Code, turning Tankmon into a Digi Egg that flew off
towards the Village of Beginnings. After a few seconds, however, Harciamon had thrown Torikmon off of him, which caused the
Ultimate-level brownish-orange-furred canine Digimon to get thrown to the ground. This act shocked Hangmon very greatly when
he saw his friend get thrown back by Harciamon. After that, Harciamon then turned his attention back to Feraldramon and
Christiamon once again.

"Some help you have," Harciamon said sinisterly.

"Well, at least Torikmon did his best," Feraldramon said.

"Enough! This time, you will not win this fight!" Harciamon growled angrily.

"Looks like this is it, Satchel," Bucky said from inside Christiamon.

"I never thought we'd actually end up this way, Bucky, destroyed by the ferret I called my best friend," Satchel said from
inside Christiamon after that.

"Shield of-" Harciamon said, before Hangmon suddenly intervened.

"Vocal Shocker!" Hangmon opened his mouth while giving off a goat-like bleat, before firing an enormous blue energy beam
with brown shockwave rings directly at Harciamon.

Before Harciamon could react, he was suddenly struck by the powerful sound-based attack, which caused him to suddenly
become immobilized while his eyes became widened in both shock and pain. Feraldramon and Christiamon were both surprised
when they saw that Hangmon was able to fight back against Harciamon to avenge Torikmon. After the attack was finished,
Harciamon still stood straight while pained with his eyes still widened in shock and pain, before he suddenly fell over
after a few seconds and crashed to the ground. Seconds later, Harciamon was covered with Fractal Code bands before he
reverted back into both Roccorro and Fungo once again.

"Whew, thanks for the intervention, Hangmon," Feraldramon said.

"No problem, Feraldramon. Eeh-eeh!" Hangmon chirped while smiling.

"Ugh, not again," Rock groaned as he laid on the ground in pain.

"Quit moaning, Roccorro," Fungo groaned after that.

Even Torikmon was impressed when he saw that Hangmon was able to bravely fight back against Harciamon like that. However,
at the same time this was happening, the rest of the gang still had a tough time trying to fight back against Cerosmon,
DinoBeemon, and GrandisKuwagamon. Because of that, and since Tankmon was now gone, Cheetahmon, Panthromon, Garurumon,
Tsunamimon, Strikedramon, Wranglermon, Tolanmon, and Cloutmon (who had now woken up from unconsciousness) Digivolved
to SkullCheetahmon, Blademon, WereGarurumon, Elasmomon, Cyberdramon, Chirinmon, Sonimon, and Crowmon, so that they
could help their friends fight against the evil Digimon. Torikmon and Hangmon were both surprised when they saw that
Wranglermon was capable of Digivolving.

"Wow, Wranglermon, since when were you able to Digivolve?" Torikmon asked in surprise.

"I've been able to do it fer quite some time now, Torikmon," Chirinmon answered.

"Quite some time now! Eeh-eeh!" Hangmon repeated after that.

DinoBeemon had struck both MetalKabuterimon and RegioGryphonmon with another Death Masquerade attack, while Cerosmon
used another Horn Cannon attack against both KendoGarurumon and JagerLowemon. GrandisKuwagamon then used another
attack against BurningGreymon, Zephyrmon, and CherishStagmon after that.

"Prepare to die! Gran Killer!" GrandisKuwagamon held out his long claws before he slashed BurningGreymon, Zephyrmon,
and CherishStagmon, which gave them even more damage than before.

"I've heard of cutting loose, but this is ridiculous!" Pardalimon said.

"There's gotta be a way to deal with this beetle-shaped can opener, but what?" Voltamon asked.

GrandisKuwagamon then used another Grandis Scissor attack, but Pardalimon, Luminamon, and Voltamon were able to dodge
before the attack could hit either one of them. Atmosmon then rammed into GrandisKuwagamon from behind with a Strato
Spin attack, but he ended up getting whacked away by GrandisKuwagamon afterwards. RegioGryphonmon tried using an
Aerial Cyclone attack against Cerosmon while MetalKabuterimon attacked next with a Bolo Thunder attack, but just
like before, the attacks also did not affect Cerosmon. Cerosmon then fired off another Horn Cannon attack directly
at Zephyrmon and Kumamon, but this time, Hangmon intervened by using another move of his own.

"Spinning Bone!" Hangmon pulled out the bone from the belt on his back before throwing it directly at Cerosmon as it
started spinning rapidly like a boomerang, as it was able to slice right through Cerosmon's attack, before it struck
him directly in the face, causing him to grunt in mild pain.

"Nice going, Hangmon," BurningGreymon said.

"Impressive, but you still have me to face against," GrandisKuwagamon said.

Knowing that even their Beast forms would be no match for GrandisKuwagamon, the Beast Hybrids and Kumamon reverted
back into their regular forms once again, before they began to perform their Fusion Evolution. Soon, they Fusion
Evolved to Aldamon, Beowolfmon, DaiPenmon, JetSilphymon, RhinoKabuterimon, Rhihimon, Hermemon, and Amorimon soon
after. Like before, Torikmon and Hangmon were surprised to see this evolution before their eyes, before Bokomon
was able to remind them that Fusion Evolution allowed the Digidestined to combine both their Human and Beast
Spirits together to form an even powerful warrior.

"I tell ya, I never would've thought that there were more evolutions than this," Torikmon said.

"Yeah, more evolutions. Eeh-eeh!" Hangmon repeated after that.

Because of that, Aldamon, Pardalimon, Beowolfmon, Luminamon, RhinoKabuterimon, Voltamon, Hermemon, and Atmosmon
fought against GrandisKuwagamon, JetSilphymon, Uraganomon, DaiPenmon, Ratomon, Parrotmon, Pommon, SkullCheetahmon,
Blademon, Feraldramon, Bogus, Christiamon, SkullBaluchimon, Shawjamon, Skadimon, and Mistymon fought against DinoBeemon,
and Rhihimon, Twilimon, Heartranimon, Lovaressmon, SamuraiTokagemon, Hornetmon, WereGarurumon, Elasmomon, Durangomon,
Balanmon, Cyberdramon, Chirinmon, Sonimon, Crowmon, Torikmon, and Hangmon fought against Cerosmon. DinoBeemon had
used another Irritant Buzz attack, but this time, JetSilphymon used her pinwheel to block off the attack before
using a Jet Winter attack that did even more damage on DinoBeemon, before Uraganomon was able to trap him with a
Wind Funnel attack afterwards. DaiPenmon then attacked next with a Blue Hawaii Death attack while Ratomon used a
Polar Claw attack. The small group then used their strongest attacks against DinoBeemon, finishing him off and
causing his Fractal Code to become exposed after a few seconds. JetSilphymon then pulled out her D-Tector and
took away the Fractal Code, turning DinoBeemon into a Digi Egg that flew off in the distance towards the Village
of Beginnings. Now that DinoBeemon was taken care of, JetSilphymon and the others now had to help Rhihimon and his
small group take care of Cerosmon, but because of Cerosmon's hard metal skin, it seemed impossible for them to try
to lay a hit on him. Suddenly, SkullBaluchimon remembered that the last time he fought against Cerosmon when he
was still Azatoimon, the only way to defeat him was to fire their attacks directly into the horn on his nose while
it was a cannon. At the same time this happened, Cerosmon had turned his horn into a cannon again before he began
firing more and more Horn Cannon attacks at the group. Before Cerosmon could react, Torikmon fired a Whipping
Cyclone attack that hit him from the side, which gave Hangmon a chance to fire a Vocal Shocker attack directly
into the cannon on Cerosmon's nose. This caused Cerosmon's eyes to widen in both pain and horror when he saw
this attack fly into the horn cannon on his nose. The rest of the group all fired their attacks into the cannon
on Cerosmon's nose afterwards, which caused Cerosmon to roar in great pain as his metal skin started flashing
and exploding form the inside, before his entire body exploded, which caused his Fractal Code to become exposed
after a few seconds. Rhihimon then pulled out his D-Tector and took away the Fractal Code, turning Cerosmon into
a Digi Egg that flew off towards the Village of Beginnings. Now that Cerosmon was also taken care of, the rest
of the gang still had to help the others fight back against GrandisKuwagamon. The Ultimates reverted back into
their Rookie forms before Warp Digivolving to Eaglemon, Lurchermon, KnightCheetahmon, Smilomon, Ouroborosmon,
Dolichomon, ZeedGarurumon, and Cadboromon. GrandisKuwagamon was about to use another Grandis Scissor attack on
Aldamon, but he was able use the gauntlets on his arms to block off GrandisKuwagamon's scissor-like wings. This
gave Torikmon a chance to use another attack against GrandisKuwagamon.

"Head Slamming Attack!" Torikmon charged forward with his head leaned forward before he slammed his hard head
directly into GrandisKuwagamon's back really hard.

The attack was so powerful that it gave GrandisKuwagamon a lot of damage, before Hermemon was able to use a
Mesosphere Cannon attack that also did even more damage on GrandisKuwagamon. Rhihimon was then able to restrain
GrandisKuwagamon with a Black Theorem attack, leaving GrandisKuwagamon as an open target for a Euphoric Laser
attack from Amorimon. This time, GrandisKuwagamon was unable to attack back, which gave the rest of the gang
a chance to use their strongest attacks to finish off GrandisKuwagamon once and for all. The impact was so
powerful that it caused GrandisKuwagamon's Fractal Code to become exposed, just as Hermemon stepped forward
to perform the Fractal Code scan.

"GrandisKuwagamon, you won't be cutting anyone down to size anymore," Hermemon said before he pulled out his
D-Tector and turned it on as the Japanese Kanji symbol of Sky appeared on the screen. "So it's time for your
claws to be clipped with some purification!"

Then, he began to scan the Fractal Code, "Fractal Code Digitize!"

After the Fractal Code was unraveled, GrandisKuwagamon got turned into a Digi Egg that flew off towards the
Village of Beginnings. When that was over with, everyone was happy that they were able to win the battle
once again. However, they looked over and saw that Rock and Fungo were now trying to escape.

"Look, Rock and Fungo are getting away!" DaiPenmon shouted.

"Somebody stop them!" Amorimon shouted after that.

"Leave it to us! Hangmon?" Torikmon asked.

"Sure, Torikmon! Long Tail Attack!" Hangmon whipped his long tail forward, as it suddenly grew even longer
before wrapping itself around both Roccorro and Fungo, preventing them from trying to escape again.

Torikmon then did the same thing with a Hair Whip attack afterwards, also restraining Roccorro and Fungo as
well. With the two baddies unable to escape, Torikmon and Hangmon then swung them both in the air before they
threw them up into the air, sending them flying and getting rid of them once again. Once the evil Digimon were
defeated and Rock and Fungo were gotten rid of again, the gang were back in their regular forms again, happy
that they were able to defeat more of Sotonamon's minions, as well as save Torikmon and Hangmon from getting
their Fractal Code scanned by the evil Digimon.

"How are you guys feeling now?" Takuya asked.

"You know, come to think of it, we feel great! We actually helped out in battle against those mean vicious
Digimon sent to destroy us," Torikmon said while smiling.

"Yeah! We feel great! Eeh-eeh! Eeh-eeh! Eeh-eeh! Eeh-eeh!" Hangmon chirped happily after that, before his
stomach suddenly started growling after that. "Uhhhh."

"Well, it sounds to me like someone is hungry," JP said.

"How hungry are you, Hangmon?" Torikmon asked, before becoming surprised when his stomach also started growling
as well. "Heheheh, I guess Hangmon isn't the only canine Digimon here who is hungry."

The rest of the gang all facefaulted when this happened. Fortunately, Wranglermon knew that since Torikmon
and Hangmon were able to bravely help the Digidestined and the Housepets in battle against Roccorro, Fungo,
and their evil accomplices, the two Ultimate-level canine Digimon both deserved some food as a reward for
their efforts in battle. It was then that the gang all learned that like Wranglermon, Torikmon and Hangmon
both liked Bloccokoberries, as well as also liking smelts from the river, and fresh fruits that grew around
the river. After collecting ripe Bloccokoberries from a nearby Bloccoko Tree, as well as fishing out some
smelts from the waters of the river and picking the fruits, Torikmon and Hangmon both started to eat their
fill of the food. The rest of the gang all noted that it had been hours since Torikmon and Hangmon had
last eaten, even in spite of the fact that they were Digimon that were known to occasionally conserve
their eating energy when there wasn't much food in the area. Once Torikmon and Hangmon had finished
their meal, the Digidestined and the Housepets and the new recruits all knew that it was time for them
to resume their search for Sotonamon's lair. Fortunately for them, Canine the Trailmon was still in the
Northern parts of the Caneshire Mountains, so he was kind enough to take the gang to their next destination
in the Digital World. After boarding one of Canine's passenger cars, the Digidestined and the Housepets and
the new recruits all said goodbye to Torikmon and Hangmon, just as Canine began to chug down the tracks once

To Be Continued...
(A Digimon Frontier/Superbook/Garfield/Adventures From The Book Of Virtues/Peanuts/Hank The Cowdog/Get Fuzzy/Mr. Bogus Crossover story)

Three weeks have passed since Darren Stone and his friends and Farley and his friends have helped saved the Digital World from the evil Chaosdramon. However, this also spells a new adventure for Garfield, Odie, Nermal, Floyd, Arlene, Max, Jackal Jeffrey, and Tanya as they team up with Takuya, Koji, Tommy, Zoe, JP, Koichi, Chris, and Joy again for another Digital World adventure, as well as also teaming up with 9 brand new friends by the names of Socrates, Aristotle, Bucky Katt, Satchel Pooch, Hank, Drover, Snoopy, Woodstock, and Mr. Bogus.

Synopsis: After arriving at the Northern parts of the Caneshire Mountains, the gang become baffled when they begin hearing strange noises echoing in the area. They then subsequently discover that the sounds are being made by two canine Digimon at the Ultimate level by the names of Torikmon and Hangmon, who are both Wranglermon's old friends. While everyone is entertained by these two Digimon, they aren't sure whether they are to be trusted or not, but while discussing about whether to trust Torikmon and Hangmon, the two Digimon are attacked by a group of evil Digimon that had been hired by Roccorro and Fungo. The gang are all prepared to fight against the baddies, but get thrashed in the process, until they are intervened by both Torikmon and Hangmon. After a while, DinoBeemon, Cerosmon, Tankmon, and GrandisKuwagamon are defeated while Rock and Fungo are gotten rid of once again. Once Torikmon and Hangmon have been saved, the gang all continue on their journey once again to find and defeat Sotonamon.

Info about DinoBeemon here:

Info about Tankmon here:

Info about GrandisKuwagamon here:…

Next Episode:…

Digimon Frontier is TM of Toei Animation
Superbook is TM of Tatsunoko Productions
Garfield is TM of Jim Davis and Paws Inc.
Adventures From The Book Of Virtues is TM of PBS
Get Fuzzy is TM of Darby Conley
Hank The Cowdog is TM of John R. Erickson
Peanuts is TM of Charles M. Schultz
Mr. Bogus is TM of Calico Entertainment and Zodiac Entertainment


In this episode, we are introduced to two more of Wranglermon's old canine Digimon friends, Torikmon and Hangmon. Now for these two guys, I decided to base both of their voices on the VeggieTales characters Jimmy and Jerry Gourd, respectively. I thought that it would be a lot of fun to do that.
© 2014 - 2024 NineLivesCaveCat
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srmthfgfan724's avatar
ooh this was a cool episode and this series is almost done. dinobeemon is a cool digimon even though he's a virus type